Hello hello,
Big things are happening today. Yes, that’s right, today is Friday, and it is a day during which big things will happen. I know this, because I can see clearly now.
Literally, I can see clearly now. My glasses were blurry because there were a couple smudges on them, but now I have wiped them with a wet cloth. Ha!
I have also acquired a Nerf basketball hoop for my cubicle quadrant. This hoop will be a source of great amusement for me. It is very important that I install the hoop today, before I get my new cubicle quadrant mate on Monday. If I install the hoop _after_ he gets here, he might find it annoying and request that I take it down. However if I install it today, when he arrives on Monday to start work, I can say things like, “This is our good ‘ol hoop. It is tradition to have this here.”
The new employee will be hesitant to request that I change a tradition for him. I should maybe tell stories about how the Nerf hoop helps me get through hard times. “Hello new employee, this is my Nerf hoop. Sometimes, when I am full of woe, I like to throw this ball here into the hoop. It brings me hope. Would I go so far as to call this Nerf hoop my salvation? Maybe.”
In other news of great interest – our UPS delivery man has changed his haircut, and I’m pleased to report it looks absolutely ridiculous. My haircut is much better than his – one small step for me, one giant step backward for the UPS delivery man.
Nerf Hope.
(Come on, work is *really* boring. I know, it’s weird that it’s only taken me an hour or so to traipse happily through the last two years of your blog, but it’s only because I’m avoiding doing actual work. And I read fast!)
Haha, I remembered you read fast. Last night I was actually thinking, “I bet she makes it through the whole thing in half an hour. I’m so jealous.”