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Author: Editor in Chief

Quotable Quotes

Modern Family

Phil: Oh I see you brought your axe.

Dylan: Yeah. Were you in a band too?

Phil: Oh me? No. In high school, I was really into my magic.


David: So he said to me, “You certainly know food.” Yes. It was the first time a qualified chef finally recognized my talents in appreciating good food…then I sat there and bragged about all the sushi restaurants I’ve eaten at. (thoughtful pause) That may have been tacky.

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True Friendship

Big news this week. Connor got dumped.

As a seasoned dumpee, I feel it’s my duty to make him feel better about the whole thing. And I will. Through this entry. You’re welcome, Connor.

First, let’s do a re-cap for anyone who doesn’t know the details. Connor, please correct if I’m wrong.

Who: Connor
What: Got dumped.
Where: Over Facebook IM. (Can you believe it?! I didn’t even know people actually used Facebook’s IM capabilities, let alone for such gripping conversation.)
When: Tuesday night
Why: Well, I can’t be sure, but I can speculate through a top ten list.


10. Connor drowns his sorrows in the devil’s liquid. That’s right, Connor drinks too much coffee.


9. Connor is inept with technology. He doesn’t understand how email works.


8. Connor leaves long voicemail messages, eating up precious cellular minutes. Most of the time, the message is incoherent and lacks a call-to-action.


7. Connor is an exceptional knitter. This can be bothersome to women who do not want to wear the scarves he knits for them.


6. Connor hates Lifehouse and Coldplay, which suggests he lacks two ears and a heart.


5. Connor recently started watching the CBS reality show, Big Brother. (snicker)


4. She’s just not that into him. (Add your story to the widget Connor!)


3. Sometimes Connor takes his affinity for robots too far, harassing real robots who have to make a living. Here is video taken from a trip to France, in which Connor tries to prove he is a better robot.

2. Connor is constantly telling David to “get out while he still can.”


And the number one reason Connor probably got dumped…

1. Overall lack of fashion sense.


So Connor, enough speculation, now it’s time for some advice. Right now, you’re asking yourself, “Will the pain ever stop?”

The answer is a clear, resounding, “No.” She was probably the one. You can never do better, and you never will. Your future is fated to eating ice cream and watching Big Brother’s compelling plot unfold. Maybe you’ll pretend you’re in the house too, talking to fellow cast members about how they aren’t doing their dishes as promptly as you had hoped. Who knows?

There are a few things you can do. You can continue to update your blog, as it is your one redeeming quality. Or Connor, you can embrace the church. Finally, you can compose music, inspired by your pain and driven by your loneliness. It worked for Alanis Morisette and Avril Lavigne, so it should work for you too.

There are few things I can do too. In addition to this thoughtful entry, I will send you a mix CD, comprised entirely of James Blunt’s “Goodbye My Lover” on repeat 18 times. The CD will be titled, “Don’t Jump, Connor.” It will soothe your heart – the pieces that remain anyway – and console your mind.

Stay strong, friend.



Yesterday I resolved to buy a mouse for my Macbook. I went to the student bookstore, in search of a good student discount. When I got there, I saw that a Mac mouse would cost $49.99.

“Outrageous!” I thought to myself. “I can pay for almost 250 messages, outside of a text plan, with that kind of money. Or, I could cover texting for the next 10 months at a rate of $5/month.”

Then I thought, “Well, I’m going to have the mouse for more than 10 months.”

But then, I became an indignant consumer. “A Mac mouse only has one button. Why am I paying $50 for ONE button? It’s like paying $50 to rest my hand on a random block that has gliding capabilities.”

As I stood there, making faces at the Mac mouse box, a salesperson approached – no, wait, more like an angel descended upon me, granting me salvation I may not have deserved. She spoke. “You know, those mice work with a Mac too” pointing to another row of mice.

I looked up. Could this be true? “You mean, these cheaper ones will work on my Macbook?”

“Yep,” she replied.

“Well, how come all the Mac users I see use Mac mice?” I asked. She shrugged. Lemmings!

This tale has a happy ending, dear blog. I bought a wireless mouse for only $29.99! And, it can work on the Mac and on the Lenovo. Isn’t that great news! Blog, I knew you’d like this story. You’re welcome.

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Watch I've Been Watching on Repeat for the Past 24 Hours

“If there’s two things America needs right now, it’s sunshine and optimism…and also angels.”

I love Glee so much. The episode last night was about taking performance enhancing over-the-counter drugs, so keep an eye on how much energy the lead singer has. It’s brilliant acting. It’s such a great show!

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Robber Barons

Guess what I made tonight?

I made David cook me dinner. What upppp! *high five*

Actually, he volunteered.

Anyway, today I got a text message from Verizon.

Do you know what it said? It said,

Free VZQ MSG: Why pay $.20 per text message? Get a $5 text package with 250 messages.

My jaw dropped. I took in a deep breath, and then I said out loud, to myself, like a crazy person, “That’s RIGHT Verizon. WHY PAY TWENTY CENTS PER TEXT MESSAGE?! Especially when it was just supposed to be $0.15!!!”

It’s $0.20 now! Can you believe it?! Back in the day, text messages were only $0.15 when you weren’t on a texting package. You know what this means? It means that I will not be linking my new Twitter account to my cell phone.

That’s right. Something else big happened today. I joined Twitter. Let me know if you’re on it, and I’ll follow you. Tell me your thoughts. Share your dreams. Tweet your secrets. I want to know.

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Awkward Accoutrement

Gallivanting in the city late Saturday night
We met Andrea’s friends, quite the delight.
They were friendly, sarcastic, clever and fun;
We were sad when the night ended, and we had to run.

The next day, a text message I received
“What a nice message,” I originally believed:

Thanks for coming out last night! I was told the following, “David is a guy everyone would have a crush on” and you “are amazing. What a dreamboat!” I do not lie!

So I said, “Aww,” and handed it to my brother
Who read the message, but perception, well, had another.

“All this tells me,” he said forming a sly grin,
“Is her friend has a crush on David – do you feel chagrin?”
I narrowed my eyes; his observation was true!
She fancies my man, what do I do?

I sat and thought, I worried a while.
How do I stop her from digging his style?
She’ll be at the New Years party, which we will not miss
What if she tries to give him a big, sloppy kiss?

Finally, I decided it was time to take action
Of his lips, she will never have the satisfaction.
So now I clear my throat, with a dramatic cough,
And say, with straight face…

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Anyone Else

Well. I did it. Today, I cut my fingernails.

I know what you are thinking.


junomovieWell, listen, don’t worry. I only cut the nails on my left hand. The nails on my right hand remain impeccable, shaped to perfection.

Cutting was rash but necessary. David was teaching me to play the guitar (pronounced git-tarr), and my fingernails were interfering with the notes. So, the nails had to go.

Why was he even teaching me to play guitar? Well, I’m glad you asked. We were going to learn the duet “Anyone Else But You.” Why that song? Because David is the Juno to my Paulie Bleeker. Plus, the song seemed easy, and you can replace the words with anything you want, as long as you end each sentence by crooning, “Anyone else, buuuutttttt you, do dodo do dodo do.”

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The Talk

David and I finally had “the talk.”

It happened last night. He called; I couldn’t put it off anymore.

“What are you doing?” He casually asked.

“I was about to watch Gossip Girl,” I replied.

He paused. Then he continued, “Hey, the season premier of Dexter was on last night.”

“Listen…” I started, “I’ve been thinking.”

“Yeah?” he replied, unsuspecting. Poor thing.

“I …don’t think I’m going to watch Dexter this season.” I blurted.

There was silence on the other end. He was processing what I had just said.

Finally, he responded, “I don’t understand.”

“Don’t fight it,” I should have said. But I didn’t. I dragged it out. “I just…I thought really hard about it, and I don’t have the time to follow Dexter this season.”

I could hear his bewilderment on the other end.

“But you like Dexter,” he finally whispered.

“I liked Dexter,” I corrected him. “The third season – I just didn’t really enjoy it.”

“You didn’t give the third season a real chance,” he accused me. How. Dare. He.

“I gave it a chance, okay.” I defended. “You need to accept this and move on. Remember how you were thinking about cutting out Parks and Recreation this season? Well, I choose Dexter.”

“But that’s different!” he cried. “Plus, I decided I would watch Parks and Recreation this season!”

“I’m sorry, I just don’t think I can do it.” I firmly said.

Gossip Girl just started. We’ll talk about this later.” He hung up – such a drama queen.


A Compilation

When we last left, our heroine (yours truly) was downloading Windows updates.

Conquering the monstrous file sizes, she moved on to install eight additional drivers for the machine. That’s right. Eight. Additional. Drivers.

One obstacle remained: the correct audio driver. After installing four different ones, her sound still wasn’t working. Exhausted, emotionally drained, and mentally distraught, “This is bullsh*t.” she declared.

Then, she looked up. Her fist shot in the air, shaking. “You may have won this time, Lenovo.” She paused. Dramatically. Very dramatically. In fact, the pause was so long, a casual observer would have felt she was done speaking. But, the casual observer would have been INCORRECT! She continued, “I will have my way!”

Well, that was Thursday night, and the sound still wasn’t working Friday morning, and I didn’t really have time to look at it. “Uh…but you had time to start writing a post?” you ask. My response: “Who made you the Time Management Police? Look. I don’t need this kind of criticism from you. I get enough of it from my conscience.”

Where were we? Oh yes. My audio driver not working is a big problem. Some people can get by without music or a soundtrack running in the background, but did you see my stop-motion? (plug!) Obviously, I have awesome taste in music. In fact, I recently made a compilation.

The making of a great compilation tape, like breaking up, is hard to do. It takes ages longer than it might seem. You gotta kick it off with a killer to grab attention. Then you gotta take it up a notch. But you don’t want to blow your wad. So then you gotta cool it off a notch. There are a lot of rules (High Fidelity 2000).

I did it. I kicked it off with a killer: “Daylight,” by Matt and Kim. Then, I took it up a notch, a la “New In Town,” by Littles Boots. Then, I cooled it with “Sugar, Sugar,” by The Archies – an oldie but goodie. Then, I ended with a bang: “Embers,” by Just Jack.

(inspired)…it’s time to get the sound working.

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Dirty Cheat

Have you seen the summer stop-motion? I want to make sure you saw it.

Did you?

I’ll wait in case you want to watch it again. Go on! All you have to do is scroll down a little.

Now, on to today’s topic.

As an outstanding student, I hang on my professor’s every word. Then, after inscribing the professor’s golden bits of wisdom onto my very core, I scribble the words in my notebook, so that I may read them, again and again and again.

Well, today in class we were in a classroom with chairs that have desks attached to them. These chairs are really uncomfortable. Plus, they are hard to write in, because I’m left-handed, and they are designed for the right-handed. The desk portion is slanted, to the right, so I have to prop up my notebook with my right hand and then write with my left.

I figured out the best way to leverage my right hand was to put my right fist on the top right of the notebook, with my right elbow supporting the right side of the notebook. I could then concentrate on writing with my left hand, if I hunched over juuuuust right.

After a while, it dawned on me that the casual, right-handed observer may perceive my note-taking stance to be rather protective. Because I was all hunched over, I took on a form akin to one who suspects others of cheating.

Well it’s a seminar, so there’s no reason to cheat or be protective of anything, so at some point I started worrying that the student next to me thought I thought she was trying to copy my notes. I sat around and brainstormed how to go about rectifying this potential confusion.

Plan A: Turn to her and say, “It’s hard to write in these desks, huh. We have to sit all funny, don’tcha know?”

Plan B: Sit up straight and push my notebook in the other student’s direction, as if to indicate I am fine with anyone looking at my notes, coincidentally written entirely in Haiku format.

Plan C: Just go with it. Remain hunched over, and glare at the students around me. Accuse the student next to me of copying my notes. “You are trying to copy how I interpret what the professor just said. Well the jig is up.”

I decided to go with Plan B.

In other news, I hate hate hate installing operating systems because you have to get all the updates and re-download drivers. I hate it. It’s almost 2am, and I see no end in sight.

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